
(xv) stackoverflow python report

These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2016-04-16 05:26:23 GMT

  1. What does x[x < 2] = 0 mean in Python? - [55/5]
  2. Variable assignment faster than one liner - [43/2]
  3. How to elegantly cycle a list from alternating sides? - [24/13]
  4. Making len() work with instance methods - [17/5]
  5. Compare two large dictionaries and create lists of values for keys they have in common - [15/4]
  6. Square root of complex numbers in python - [10/2]
  7. Understanding == applied to a NumPy array - [9/1]
  8. Drawing phase space trajectories with arrows in matplotlib - [9/1]
  9. Modifying yield from's return value - [8/3]
  10. Python: Matplotlib Surface_plot - [8/1]

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