
(cxiii) stackoverflow python report

These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2018-02-17 20:31:55 GMT

  1. `del` on a package has some kind of memory - [32/3]
  2. Compute the cumulative sum of a list until a zero appears - [14/6]
  3. Python splitting list to sublists at given start/end keywords - [13/5]
  4. How/why does set() in {frozenset()} work? - [13/2]
  5. How can we get the default behavior of __repr__()? - [10/3]
  6. Can I access a nested dict with a list of keys? - [9/5]
  7. Inferring date format versus passing a parser - [9/3]
  8. convert substrings to dict - [8/6]
  9. Set Python dict items recursively - [8/1]
  10. Copying sublist structure to another list of equal length in Python - [7/7]

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