
(cxxxix) stackoverflow python report

These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2018-08-18 11:06:51 GMT

  1. Problems with using a rough greyscale algorithm? - [37/8]
  2. Collatz Conjecture Python - Incorrect Output Above 2 Trillion (Only!) - [28/1]
  3. if-else vs "or" operation for None-check - [15/6]
  4. Faster Python technique to count triples from a list of numbers that are multiples of each other - [14/5]
  5. Python: What happens if script stops while requests.get() is executing? - [13/1]
  6. Extending a class by parameter in Python - [12/2]
  7. How do I shorten this boolean expression? - [10/6]
  8. Getting outer environment arguments from java using graal python - [8/1]
  9. Is the File-Object iterator "broken?" - [8/1]
  10. Swapping list elements in python where the expressions contain function calls - [8/1]

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