
(cliv) stackoverflow python report

These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2018-12-01 21:40:29 GMT

  1. Longest word chain from a list of words - [28/9]
  2. Why is 2 * x * x faster than 2 * ( x * x ) in Python? - [19/5]
  3. Do Python lambda functions help in reducing the execution times? - [14/1]
  4. Python function that identifies if the numbers in a list or array are closer to 0 or 1 - [11/10]
  5. Finding three integers such that their sum of cosine values become max - [9/5]
  6. Finding singulars/sets of local maxima/minima in a 1D-NumPy array (once again) - [9/3]
  7. Improve accuracy of image processing to count fungus spores - [9/2]
  8. Advanced Python Regex: how to evaluate and extract nested lists and numbers from a multiline string? - [8/2]
  9. Count appearances of a value until it changes to another value - [7/5]
  10. What is happening when I assign a list with self references to a list copy with the slice syntax `mylist[:] = [mylist, mylist, ...]`? - [7/3]

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