
(cclxi) stackoverflow python report

These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2021-01-30 15:03:53 GMT

  1. pip install failing on python2 - [21/3]
  2. Installing pip is not working in bitbucket CI - [17/2]
  3. Python Pip broken wiith sys.stderr.write(f"ERROR: {exc}") - [16/2]
  4. JSON serialized object gives error with multiprocessing calls - TypeError: XXX objects not callable error - [7/0]
  5. Efficient way of making time increment strings? - [6/5]
  6. How to calculate the distance between two points on lines in python - [6/4]
  7. How to format to n decimal places in Python - [6/3]
  8. Read .pptx file from s3 - [5/1]
  9. Why is iterating over a dict so slow? - [5/1]
  10. Why is the output not 1 and 1? - [5/1]

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