
(cccvi) stackoverflow python report

These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2021-12-18 14:29:24 GMT

  1. Can a function and local variable have the same name? - [14/4]
  2. How to override names of dataclasses attributes in Python? - [9/2]
  3. Ensure that an argument can be iterated twice - [8/4]
  4. What allows bare class instances to have assignable attributes? - [8/1]
  5. Python pandas equivalent to R's group_by, mutate, and ifelse - [7/4]
  6. python pandas "groupby" and "if any" condition - [7/2]
  7. Pandas group by cumsum with a flag condition - [7/2]
  8. Filtering a mutli-index - [7/1]
  9. Pythonic way to make a dictionary from lists of unequal length without padding Nones - [7/1]
  10. How to get a uniformly-distributed random integer-points in an nD ball? - [7/0]

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