
(xcii) stackoverflow python report

These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2017-09-23 19:35:45 GMT

  1. Why can't I swap two items in a list in one line? - [9/4]
  2. How to remove all the values in a string except for the chosen ones - [8/6]
  3. Python Sort a list based on a given order - [8/6]
  4. python - iterating list of dictionaries and unpacking - [7/4]
  5. Why is the dtype shown (even if it's the native one) when using floor division with NumPy? - [7/2]
  6. How to assign count of unique values to the records in a data frame in python - [6/5]
  7. Trouble converting string to float in python - [6/3]
  8. How to test that a custom excepthook is installed correctly? - [6/2]
  9. How to make a list of integers that is the sum of all the integers from a set of lists in a dict? - [6/2]
  10. python rstrip or remove end of string by a pattern of charachters - [6/2]

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