
(xciii) stackoverflow python report

These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
Build date: 2017-09-30 11:59:43 GMT

  1. Finding equal values from a list of list of tuples in Python - [9/2]
  2. Python: How come a large float turns into *inf* automatically? - [9/2]
  3. Why is it faster to read a file without line breaks? - [8/3]
  4. Django custom for complex Func (sql function) - [7/2]
  5. How to detect if a function has been defined locally? - [6/2]
  6. Is there a function in Python that shuffle data by data blocks? - [5/5]
  7. Split a list with n*n elements into n lists with n elements in every list - [5/5]
  8. Get percentage of rows (strings) that fulfil a certain condition in a pandas data frame - [5/2]
  9. codecs.open(utf-8) fails to read plain ASCII file - [5/1]
  10. Poor performance of C++ function in Cython - [5/1]

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